An Overview of Texas Probate Statutes

An Overview of Texas Probate Statutes

In Texas, probate is mainly covered by the Estates Code, which replaced the Probate Code in 2014. Below is a general overview of the statutes that may apply when you…

What’s the Difference Between a Probate and Non-Probate Asset?

When you’re putting together an estate plan, it’s important to know that your assets can be placed into two categories: probate and non-probate. Knowing the differences between the two asset…

You’ve written a will. Who has the right to see it?

Wills contain an enormous amount of sensitive information. If seen by unintended parties it could cause a mountain of headaches for the testator (the person making the testament, i.e., the…

The Probate Process: Probate With a Will (Part 2 of 3)

In part 1 of this series we defined probate and described the procedures we as lawyers go through before going to court. There are two potential applications: an application to…

The Probate Process: Getting Ready for Court (Part 1 of 3)

In this 3 part series we will give you all the information you could ever want to know about the probate process from preparing the will and filing the necessary…

Top 10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Write Your Will

Writing a will is hard. So hard that some lawyers spend the entirety of their career and practice focused on helping others draft a bulletproof will. In order to save…

How To Remove An Executor or Administrator Named in the Will

What is an Executor? The Executor is the person who is named in a will to manage a person’s estate after they die.  Specifically, an executor’s duties include taking control…

Do We Have to Follow the Will? Learn How to Dispute a Will

We would love to believe that the last will and testament of every person is thorough, concise, and professionally written with the help of an educated legal counsel and that…

Rights of the Surviving Spouse

What happens when one spouse dies leaving a will that gives nothing to the surviving spouse?  You would be surprised how often this happens, especially in the context of a second…

Removal of an Executor or Administrator in Texas

If an executor or administrator of an estate acts improperly, he or she may be subject to removal by the court on its own motion, or on the complaint of…
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    Romano & Sumner, PLLC

    Romano & Sumner, PLLC